Dear Lover... with Amy Reid

06: 30-Days of Yoni Egg Practice: A Journey of Self-Compassion and Coming HOME

August 16, 2024 Amy Reid Episode 6

This episode summarises my key takeaways from committing using the Yoni Egg for  30 days! Learn how, in the process of coming HOME to my body, I made the life-changing decision of NOT moving to Costa Rica and come home to creating a life in England - demonstrating the importance of making life choices that resonate with our authentic selves. 

Taking time to honour our energy can lead to profound revelations. After a second time round of recovering from COVID in this past week and being forced into silence through losing my voice -  I’m thrilled to share the transformative experience I had during 30-days of using a Yoni Egg. 

What we discuss:

00:05 Awakening to Innate Power Through Self-Love

10:42 Embodying Compassion, Finding Belonging

In this episode, we explore the profound practice of using a yoni egg to embody compassion and find true belonging. Learn how this ancient practice can awaken your sexuality, serve as a powerful catalyst for emotional release, and foster self-compassion. 

Together, we discuss the importance of creating a compassionate container, integrating tender and fierce self-compassion, and cultivating divine masculine energy. Tune in and discover how to nurture a connection with your true nature and innate power.

Connect on Instagram and tag: @amyreidpoetry

With Love and Gratitude always,


Speaker 1:

Welcome to, dear Lover, a space where we are leading with the question what's possible if we all prioritize being our own best lover? On this podcast, we are reconnecting with our true nature and awakening to our innate power. Together, we'll be sharing honest stories, insights and reflections from my own journey, as well as inspiring interviews and conversations that give you practical tools and steps to own your authentic nature and creative power. So subscribe for a weekly dose of love, creativity, empowerment and sacred self-romance. Connect and send me a deal on Instagram. You can find me at amyreadpoetry to let me know what you resonate with and what you want to hear more of. So let's trust, breathe and believe and create magic together. Hello, welcome to this episode.

Speaker 1:

This episode I'm particularly excited to share with you and from now on, coming back to the podcast, after taking a couple of weeks off, I lost my. I lost my voice. In that time, I got COVID and just generally obviously needed some real down time to reflect and go inwards and, with this in mind, I had a lot of reflection time and I'm going to keep these solo episodes really short. I'm actually going to gift you with four episodes right now, four episodes in the next four days, um to to pump some more energy into this podcast. I love doing this podcast. I, you know, I like sharing with you as a listener. I like connecting with you, like like ultimately, I would love I kind of think of this podcast, as you know, the time when we sit down, go out for a coffee and have a chat with your best friend, except the reality is is that I'm sitting on the floor in at my nan's house, in the, in the bedroom. That's the reality. So come connect, because it is, you know, it makes it more. I really do really appreciate the, the connection, and I want to know who you are, where your listeners is, where you connect with the podcast, what you resonate with, what you want to listen to. You know what you want to hear more of, because I'm I'm an open book and you know this is all practice for me as well and to speak to you openly, honestly, vulnerably and concisely, which gets to my point of keeping these episodes short and sweet. The solo episodes. I mean I'll still be doing interviews, conversations with people that inspire me and that I have learned from, of my mentors on this journey, but in terms of these solo episodes, I've really reflected in, in honoring my energy, in honoring what feels good for my energy and really just like getting to the point. Like I do get drained. I love speaking, love the podcast. However, if I speak too much on the podcast and social media, like I was before, I get very drained very quickly and I, like I said, I lost my voice and I do believe that happened as well because I was just overexpending my voice. Like I was talking, I was showing up on social media and I was chatting, I was talking and I was working on the podcast and I was like talking to I was also talking so much at that time to, you know, family members and friends, about my decision, about living abroad and things and what to do and all of that. So, with that in mind, here we are short, concise and sweet. Thank you for tuning in. So this episode, like I said, I'm really excited.

Speaker 1:

This is the summary episode of 30 days of the yoni egg. If you didn't know, I started using I mean, I started using the yoni egg a few years ago, but about well, it's about a month and a half ago actually now. Um, I committed to doing 30 days of using the yoni egg and I did it. I don't do every single 30 days, let's be honest, because part of using the yoni egg, you know it's listening to your body and sometimes, you know, sometimes the body doesn't want the egg every single day, like I said. So in this episode you're gonna hear like my three, take my three lessons gifts I believe they are gifts three gifts from using the yoni egg. Really they are gifts. Um, I'm still going to use it, not as intensely, because it is intense. Oh, if you want to embody deeper compassion, if you want to embody more of your true nature and innate power, listen to this episode, listen to the episodes. You know you can simply be inspired, if you want. I hope that it ignites some curiosity in you know, in possibly you doing the same and committing to using the, the only egg you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm happy to open, to talk about it. I'm not trained in any way to, to guide you in how to use it, but I definitely can speak from my own experience and and, yeah, speak from my own experience and this is what I felt, felt, right, feeling felt and embodied and learn and it's a gift. So number one is I feel like the best. I mean, they're all very good, but this is one of the best because it's physical, is deeper internal orgasms, more sensitivity deep from within, like not not just clitoral orgasms, but it awakens your body. And this is a very gradual process as well, because at the start of using the yoni egg, like, you don't feel the yoni egg inside of you, um, and then it just, it's like a very subtle. It builds up a very subtle sensitivity from within, right, I felt more like natural lubricant, like, and started to feel more these deeper internal orgasms, right, so that the real physical and that like it's really subtle sensitivity that gets created from within, from deep within your pussy and like that's incredible, it's such and I found in my like, physically as well, I felt more grounded. I literally could feel my, my pussy like opening up to the earth, to mother nature, and I just felt like this deeper connection of groundedness, of like, hello, mother earth, we are one and just grounded.

Speaker 1:

Because if you know me well and been following me, you know I'm really creative, I love, I love the poetry, I love writing and my creativity in the past few years has been like a wave and this definitely helps me to ground my creativity so within this physical, you know, awakening and lubricant and alive, like embodying more aliveness from within. I started to begin feel more of my power, more of my power and then the beauty of connecting with, to our sexuality in this way and I did this first thing in the morning as well it flows into the rest of your daily life. Right, this is a 10 minute practice that I do every morning. 10 minutes, 10 minutes, that's all, and it flows into the rest of. It flowed in the rest of my life because, because I was feeling more of my power and more of my turn on and more of my aliveness, I was also just letting go of everything that blocked me from feeling that. The biggest one for me letting go of people, please it right.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I also lost my voice in this time, and when I lost my voice and you know I'm here staying at my nan's the fact when she tried to speak to me bless her, she's trying to chatting away she was having one-sided conversations with me, um I she was chatting away still to me. I couldn't answer her and the first first thought that came up in my mind was I hope she doesn't think I'm was. I hope she doesn't think I'm rude, I hope she doesn't think I'm rude, so that's just. You know, it's that people pleasing tendency of me like I hope I don't upset her, whereas I'm the one oh sorry, the glass come back. Um, I'm the one who's struggling with the lost voice and I'm worried about how she's feeling, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, when I came really conscious of that thought and what I'm saying here is that it helped me to take ownership in the taking ownership of my sexuality and my sensuality first thing in the morning and touching my pussy and turning myself on first thing in the morning, it was an act of reclamation, it was almost an act of rebellion. An act of reclamation, an act of rebellion. To wake up in the morning and take ownership of my sexuality, my own pleasure, my own liveness, my own emotional state and, within that, letting go of the people pleasing, letting go of I'm not responsible for how others feel. I can take ownership of my sexuality, my sensuality, my emotions, yes, but I'm not responsible for others. Others can, can do this if they so choose to. If they don't, then that's okay. That's also my responsibility to accept that right.

Speaker 1:

So it really doing it first thing in the morning for 10 minutes was not only deeper, more sensual, yeah, deeper orgasms, and you know the orgasmic multiple orgasms, right, and also these orgasms are like because they're deep in the internal, their body, their full body orgasms. You can, I work with the energy. Now I work and move my energy from the root to the sacral chakra, to the solar plexus, to the heart and up and out, and you can really work with this energy and manifest using this energy with sex magic and ugh, that's all I'm gonna say. The point is here. Here, ownership, embodying our true power isn't doing this yoni practice first thing in the morning, it's an act of reclamation and ownership and responsibility and letting go of the people pleasing. That has. It's been so powerful for me.

Speaker 1:

So number two. Number two is about embodying deeper compassion. Right, embodying deeper compassion, because using a yoni egg and committing to these practices that not only awaken our sexuality, but practices that not only awaken our sexuality but embody our in our true sexuality and in our true nature, with that comes pain, comes we within. Using the yoni egg, your, we are activating our pain body as well, because it's just, it's like a blast. I what I feel it as. It's like a blast of love and truth from the inside and that's bringing up and within, that blast of like orgasmicness that we're creating from within, is it just? It's like a power. I visualize that as a power pressure, like a power pressure. Maybe that's a bit intense. Um, I am intense, though. Take an ownership of. I love intensity. This is why I write poetry, I come up with all these like visuals, but like a power hose from within, it's like a power hose that blasts out anything that's, that's not unconditional love.

Speaker 1:

And in this process, like it has brought up challenges for me, like I, you know, I I've shared, I've literally just shared. Yeah, number one, uh, multi, you know, multiple orgasms and and a higher sensitivity with orgasms and everything like this. But it's not all daisies and orgasmic pleasure, it's also pain. There were also many times when I, you know, would cry, like lots of the times I would go through this process in 10 minutes, right of okay, feeling, breathing, breathing with the yoni again, and then bringing up that emotion and I normally sometimes it was anger. Lots of the times actually, it was anger and rage, and then underneath that was always sadness and pain and the need to forgive. I'll be talking a lot about forgiveness actually on this podcast. It's really powerful. Forgiveness says us through.

Speaker 1:

But staying with the yoni egg, using the yoni egg and come and creating that container, has helped me to contain, you know, within that act, like that physical act of spending 10 minutes in the morning is like saying I'm gonna create this container for you and this container of compassion. It's helped me to increase my own sacred, divine, masculine self-compassion right, both tender self-compassion and fierce self-compassion. This is something else I want to talk about, um, from Kirstie Neff. If you don't follow her, she is like an expert on tough compassion. Um, yeah, she's amazing, but this is really, really important and profound in what I have felt with the Yoni Yeg. Like that physical space of creating the compassion has led to helping me to embody that more. That sacred, like divine masculine energy is divine compassion, is divine presence, loving, present, loving, compassionate kindness and presence. And in developing that self-compassion for myself in this process, in this act, in this you know, journey of 10 minutes in the morning has led to help me to have more compassion for others when I'm in my rest of the day, because I'm like, okay, I can see you in me, I can see others in myself and I can feel you and I can see you and I can understand you more, because I can feel me more now and I can see me more now and I can and I have compassion for me more. Now. Right, and it's and that is where I believe pure, unconditional love stems is when we see ourselves in another. We are one right, and I mean all of this from 10 minutes using a yoni egg every morning, like it's so deep, it's so profound. And I believe it's so profound because we, as women, we have this sacred portal, our womb and you know, and part of loving ourselves and being our own best lover. Like it's a dear lover podcast and like we can't authentically talk about being our own best lover and unconditional love on this planet if we're not including our sacred womb space and sexuality in this. Like I'm sorry, like I am so done.

Speaker 1:

This moves on to the third point. Let's go to the third point now. So number one was the multi-orgasms, highly sensitivity. Number two, embodying deeper compassion within myself, from from creating that compassionate container every morning and that divine masculine energy of loving, compassion and kindness. Number is here I found a sense of true belonging from within, because I've within embodying a true nature and innate power. I have found that sense of home.

Speaker 1:

I've stopped. I've stopped looking on the outside for actually, what's within and I know that's so cliche, and you know how many times have you heard that it's all within. All the answers are within. You know, I understood that with my mind so well. You know so well. I read all the books, I went to the workshops, I did all the things like I understood that intellectually, yeah, everything is from within, all the answers are from within. But you know, in the past, what was going on from within me was complete chaos. I'm like I I'm supposed to have the answers, like what the fuck? I don't have the answers. Oh my gosh, there's something wrong with me.

Speaker 1:

But through the embodiment of this practice, I actually can feel it right and what I mean by this is. What I mean by this is that I've, in terms of my decision to not go to Costa Rica I will get onto this, by the way I've decided to not go to Costa Rica and this is from this whole, you know, 30 plus days of using this yoni egg, of like inner reflection and everything, and this true embodiment of my true nature and innate power, and that has come. That big decision to not move to Costa Rica has come from embodying this right, embodying my actual truth and true nature, and letting go of the need to prove myself by moving abroad again. Right when I, when I like I connected with my inner child whilst connecting with my, my sexuality right, she came up there as well, and that's the thing like I think needs to be talked about more. Which we're going to talk about is is how, when we embody our true, you know, our sexuality, we also liberate our inner child. You know there's I had so much resistance in in talking about both right, talking about in a true like in a child, and sexuality where, well, we're going to talk about this now, totally, they are so related, they are so interconnected. It's all one anyway, and I know that because I've deeply felt it through this whole process and so, yeah, so when I moved into the the, I softened right. I literally in when we're using, like you know, but doing these embodiment practices, especially with the yoniak, like you're soft, we're softening the body, we're softening right. And and I felt like I let God need to prove my life. What am I trying to prove? I've, I've lived and I've lived and taught abroad for eight years. I'm, I've enjoyed it. I'm so grateful, but it's time to like I'm done, like it's time to come home, like I come in the coming home to myself. I'm actually physically now coming home, so it makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I've and also this is a big point that I'm going to finish on I've found a sense of belonging in a world where emotions are not valid and sexuality is is suppressed, sensuality is, you know, considered and vulnerability is considered a weakness. Weakness and what? How am I? As a person? I am highly emotional, I am a highly, I have high sexual energy and I'm highly sensitive to energy, to other people's emotions, to my emotions. Right, and I have found it so difficult in the past, to you know, this is something I'm still working on every single day and I believe I'll probably be working on it for the rest of my life, just at different levels.

Speaker 1:

And I found it so difficult to belong in a world where emotions are suppressed, our sexuality, you know where are sorry, where our emotions are not valid, our sexuality is suppressed and sensitivity and vulnerability is considered a weakness. I have found it so difficult, but in the process of using the yoni egg and embodying my true, innate, true nature and innate power, and holding that deeper compassion, that space for myself every single day has meant. That has given me space to feel my emotions own. My emotions show up as my most in my sexual nature, show up in my highly sensitive self and feel everything and know and feel and and embody that vulnerability is a strength and it's my power, it's our power, it's where we connect, it's where we connect with ourselves first and foremost, and then we connect with others and it's so, so, liberating and powerful. So, yeah, so basically, in this process of 30 plus days it was over 30 days in the end because I had a break, because I got covid um in this process I have come home to my true nature and innate power and, most importantly, embodying this, embodying this from deep within.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's so many, there's so many embodiment practices that we can do, unless there's, not to say like one's better than the other. Of course not, but for me, like from my personal experience, I have found sexual practices, especially the yoni egg, because it's actually a tool right, it's actually something physically that I can put inside um, saying that a yoni diyamri massage with your own fingers is also just as powerful, if not more. But I've found sexual practices for me the most transformative because they help me to deeply embody whatever I'm feeling through, whatever I do need to feel, whatever I need to forgive, let go of, embody more, you know, speak up for my boundaries from deep within, from actually with inside my pussy, so, and like dear lover, like being our own best lover, is inclusive of our sexuality, is inclusive of our womb, like. Enough of this like shame and enough like it's time.

Speaker 1:

It's time to embody our true nature and create that container of sacred self-compassion for us each day and embody our innate power like we so deserve it, women, we are in. In doing that, we are showing up for our partners as our best selves. You know that we are showing up for our partners as our best selves. You know self, this kind it's not, it's beyond self-love like this, is this in showing like, in showing up for ourselves in this way, can you imagine how we show up for our partner, right, the compassion that we'll have for our partner, the, the knowing of, because we know our, how to turn ourselves on in our aliveness and our bodies, like we know, we know, you know how to guide our partner and that's hot. And our innate power, embodying our true nature.

Speaker 1:

Innate power means that we can build and create a life and a career and relationships are truly aligned to our essence. And we only get one life. We only get one life. This gift of life is so short and like it's our responsibility and like let's have fun doing that, right, let's have fun doing that. And that's not fun doesn't mean today it's going to be all flowers and daisies all the time. There's going to be challenges, hence the sacred self-compassion.

Speaker 1:

But like let's include our sexuality in this and I invite you to let me know. If you want to use the yin and yang and if you listen to this episode, connect with me and we can have a chat about it. Like I said, I'm not trying to guide in any way, but I'm definitely open to talking about it and talking about how you feel as well. If you're open to that, and yeah, let me know. Thank you so much for listening to this episode and yeah, connect soon. Thank you so much for listening in. If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend or post it on social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping to get the message out. I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. Talk to you soon.