Dear Lover... with Amy Reid

02: The Power of Owning Your Story

July 11, 2024 Amy Reid Episode 2

Have you ever wondered how accepting our ego could deepen our self-love and awakening journey? In this heartfelt episode, I open up about the WHY behind "Dear Lover" and how my journey through emotional challenges and living in different cultures around the world has shaped my understanding of life’s miraculous gift. You'll hear how owning our personal stories and being authentic with ourselves can help us step into our highest potential and connect deeply with our essence.

By accepting our ego as an integral part of our spiritual path, we realise that words like "I" and "me" do not diminish our spirituality but enrich it. This episode is an invitation to come home to your heart, embody the fullest expression of your sexuality, and lead with love, compassion, play, and joy. Join me, and let's awaken into our truth together.

What we discuss:

0:05 Diving Deep Into Self-Love
5:04 The WHY behind 'Dear Lover..' and Introducing Bliss Charity 
14:21 Embracing Acceptance and Authenticity
23:04 The Power of Owning Your Story and all Embracing All Emotions 
26.17 The Influence of the Lack of Sex Education and it's effect on Owning our Full, most Authentic Expression

Connect on Instagram and tag: @amyreidpoetry

With Love and Gratitude always,


Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dear Lover, a space to dive deep into the unknown and celebrate diverse human creativity and devoted self-intimacy. My name's Amy and I'm here to get real and unscripted in sharing my journey of reclaiming my feminine nature and awakening into my truth. We'll be sharing conversations and stories on self-love, sensual embodiment, intimacy and creative empowerment, all with the intention to be on this journey together of coming home to our heart, embody the fullest expression of our sexuality and lead with love, compassion, play and joy. So let's trust, breathe and believe and create magic together. Hello and welcome to the second episode of Dear Lover. Thank you so much for tuning in.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be a fiery, honest, real episode. I'm going to share more of the why behind Dear Lover, why I've decided to to focus on this concept of self-love, sensual embodiment, creative empowerment and really owning owning all of who we are, you know, deepening that self-love. And I'm going to share a charity that is linked to my story. I do mention it in the previous episode. If you haven't listened to the previous episode, I can understand. It might take you a while. It's a. It's very long, it's. I share my whole story and one of the first things I share is my birth story and I will be sharing more about that here and the charity linked to that that I'm going to set up a donation page, an ongoing donation that is linked to this podcast, to support this charity that I feel very passionate about. And then we're going to share, like the, the concept of owning, how empowering it is to own our story because, honestly, when I sat down and recorded that and then released into the world, the energy of that was, it was so empowering to own it. And I can tell you I I had so much resistance around this, so much resistance around owning my story, using the words I, my, me, you because my spiritual ego had previously developed that resistance around that and, yeah, I will share the lessons around that of what I've experienced in that.

Speaker 1:

So, if you have felt resistance in you know really owning all of who you are, stepping into your purpose, stepping into your soul purpose, stepping into your highest self. If you felt resistance in this, this episode is for you. So let's dive in what I really want you to. You know, the intention of this podcast is to help you to feel your own fire, like that is really the intention of every of, dear Lover, is to feel your fire inside, feel your essence, connect to your essence. So, owning our story right, like I said, it's the most powerful, it's the foundation of what we're here for. You know, how can we serve as our highest self in our, you know, as our highest potential, if we don't own our humanness right?

Speaker 1:

And when I sat down, and you know that, that story episode, I initially just wrote notes in my phone and I wrote out the lessons that I learned at each stage of that of my life, because I felt I wanted it to be empowering. And you know these and get and be real as well. Like I'm going to repeatedly come back to this, I really one of my deepest values is honesty, being real honesty, and this is what I want this podcast to be. You know, show up in all our messiness, be honest with those truths, because in the past I haven't in the past and I'm the first to own that like in the past I've shown up on podcasts, on social media and been in a spiritual woo-woo place, you know of like this, this universal experience, and not really owning, not really owning where I'm at and sharing honestly and I'm not saying you need to share honestly all the time to a big you know on a podcast or on social media. That's, that's not what I'm saying. But share with yourself, at least Be honest with that. Let's be honest with ourselves. Share with yourself, at least be honest with that. Let's be honest with ourselves. Right, let's be honest with ourselves. So let's just ground a bit and I want to circle back to my the story, the birth story, and why this, this, why, why I do, why I'm doing what I'm doing. And you know why I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

What I'm doing is to come back to the joy of living right, the joy of life. Like the intention of Dear Lover, this brand is to empower all of us to embrace the joy of being, the joy of living, the joy of being human, embracing the gifts of life and within that, within that, that means embracing the challenges, the traumas, the you know all of life, right, those, the deep grief, the deep sadness, because the depth at which we can feel our grief and our sadness and the pain is a depth that we can feel with static bliss and pleasure and that pure gratitude to life. And this is how, what life is all about, like it is a gift that we are here, and I feel this deep to my core because, coming back to my birth, I was a premature, three months premature baby. I was born at King's College Hospital, 29th of July 1990 and and I was a premature baby and and it wasn't, you know, I had this, this, we I mean we all have a, a risk. You know, we could die at any point, right, any point in every day we could die. But being premature, right, that comes with complications, challenges and you know these more likelihood of developing long-term disabilities and and problems and things. And I'm sitting here right now, healthy, adult, human being, looking, you know, and that's why it's showing my story was so powerful, looking back on my life and looking at the abundance of my life and the gifts, and that's not to say it hasn't been challenging, it's been challenging, it's so much. But, like that birth has helped me to realize the gift, the miracle of life. That's what I want. My intention here is to realize the miracle of yourself, the miracle that you are here, right, the miracle of of your life. It's incredible. And the charity that I'm very committed to supporting is Bliss. Bliss is a UK-based charity who and they're dedicated to supporting premature and sick babies, and I'm going to set up within this. Yeah, I've probably set up by now, when this episode is out, actually a just given page dedicated to bliss. I'll share a little bit of my story written down on that page and this is to donate. This is, this will be an ongoing donation. If you feel called to, if you feel any, any, any donations for this podcast will go to this. You know, I really want to support this charity, give to this charity to provide they provide that essential support for babies, for their families.

Speaker 1:

You know, as an adult as well, now I've become more connected and more compassionate, more understanding towards my parents, what my parents must have been going through when they were in. I think my mum had me when she was 24, I'm not quite sure, but really young, right, really young. And we've, you know, quite recently we, we got out the old photos I've bought them with me and of me as a baby, and there's one of her, me, of her just holding me coming out, you know, bringing me home for the first time after spending three months in hospital, and I asked her how she felt in that moment and she said scared, scared. I mean, I'm not a parent. I'm sure all parents feel like that, no matter if their baby is premature or what I can imagine, bringing a human being home with you and your responsibility is to keep this human being alive and to hopefully thrive as well. It's scary and honestly, honestly, this developed so much compassion for my mum, for my parents, you know, and what they must have gone through at that time when I was born and and the impact that that had and and you know the care and attention that was all on me at that, that really vulnerable time and, and you know, thankfully I didn't have any long-term complications. The only complication I had was was speech actually, which is beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Now, right here, I'm speaking on a podcast. I didn't start to speak until the age of three and you know, and then the story just rolls out that I this is why I feel so passionate about supporting children with disabilities, with special needs, because and I particularly enjoy working with speech and language therapists and working, you know, with that communication piece with children with disabilities, but also on that non-verbal communication I've worked in a special needs school and I've worked, you know, had a class with with children with severe autism and, you know, with non-verbal communication, and have worked with speech language therapists to work on the sensual you know, our non-verbal communication, our body language and sensual, and we used lots of, like you know, connecting to the senses. So it's, it's an area I I so passionate about supporting this because you know, because I know for well, that could have been me, that could have been me, but I'm here as a healthy adult, as their teacher, and what an honor, what an honor, what a privilege that is, you know, and I've, because I've seen it, I've felt it, I've seen it with my eyes, I've felt it with my body, like looking into these kids eyes and no, they will never have the opportunities that I've, I've had, simply because of the way they were born. You know, they, they lots of the children I work with, they were born with whatever you know.

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't like to say disability, because I've it's a gift as well. Obviously it's, it's really challenging, but I've seen, like the gifts that these children bring. I really feel like children with, with these challenges and disabilities, are here to shine a lot here with their own special gifts. We and I, you know, that's a deep core belief we all have our own gifts, no matter what, no matter what you know, no matter what our uh challenges are, no matter how, no matter how hopeless we can feel at certain points in our life, no matter how meaningless our life can feel at some point at some time. You know I've been there. We all have our gifts. They're always in there and you know, this is why I feel so passionate about supporting bliss and, like I said, I'm going to share, keep continuing.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be an ongoing donation, forever, as long as this podcast exists, which is forever. This podcast, your lover is going. You know, we're off the ground here, we're running with this and and and it's going to be an ongoing donation, and so I would be really, really grateful to if, even if you just donated a small amount to this charity, it would make a huge difference. That small amount adds up, right? Imagine if everyone who listened to this podcast, this episode right now, just donated five pound right, or even two pound, three pound. Imagine if everyone did that. The, the accumulation of that will be so appreciated and so felt. So I'll drop that link below and, yeah, very much appreciate any sort of donation that you can make to this, because we are so lucky in life to experience what we get to experience as healthy, grown adults, right? So, yeah, thank you, thank you so much and yeah, moving on, kind of going into more, stepping into that fire and the, the energy of owning it, the energy of owning our story.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I had so much resistance around this and around saying the words I, me, you, you know, because I was in that spiritual space of you know as deeply. This was a few years ago and I was deeply meditating. I was meditating for hours each day, breath work, doing all the things yoga and and all of these things, reading the books, reading the power of now and and reading Michael Singer. I love these books. These books have like traveled with me, these.

Speaker 1:

I've donated lots of books but yeah, these books I always have, and really powerful books saying that, having said that, the power is in you, you know the power, the power is in you, you know the power, the power is in acceptance. Right, all of these books, spiritual teachings, come down to the same thing, come down to acceptance. And you know how can we accept? Like part of acceptance is accepting all of ourselves. We are human beings. If God did not create us, want us to have an ego, if God didn't want us to have an ego, the universe source, whatever you resonate with. If God didn't want this, then he wouldn't have created us with egos. So it's about accepting our ego, right, accepting that I-ness in this, that that accepting that, that feeling of separation that we do have, and that's okay, because we are human beings, we are spiritual beings, have a human experience. We're always going to be spiritual.

Speaker 1:

Just because we're using the words I and me and you, it doesn't make you any less spiritual. Actually, it makes you. I feel it makes you no, I'm not going to say that more spiritual, because that's just putting on like levels and things. But yeah, the point is it's like we are spiritual beings, have a human experience, human experience, right, humanness, like, like, let's get real here. I really want to get real and honest with you on this podcast and just say, hey, yep, this is what I'm going through, it's what I'm experiencing, this is what I'm learning at this stage. And here we are. Anyone resonate with this? Cool, yeah, you can. Let's have a chat. If not, okay, see you later.

Speaker 1:

There's so many other podcasts out there, right and um, yeah, because when I was deeply in this like spiritual space and you know I still am, but just on it on a, on a different level, on a more and uh, and I've lost my trail of thought. You see, this will happen, this will happen in an episode I, I get fired up and then I almost get too excited and too ahead of myself and I lose my trail of thought and um, yeah, self-love, right, self. I, when I was in this deep meditative space, um, meditating hours a day, and all of that, I had this awareness come in, this deep, deep awareness of of, because I felt it right, I felt in my body of pure acceptance, pure acceptance, oneness of now in now. I really felt like I, I got the power of now, like what I got Tolly had been talking about for all of his books. I get it. I feel more than that, I feel, I feel it in my body, I feel like this divine union, this connection to, to all that is like. I've had those experiences and and that then, what I, what came into my awareness, was the concept of self-love doesn't exist. Self-love does not exist when we are fully acceptance of now, when we are fully present in the now in now.

Speaker 1:

Because the English language as well, is limited, this is what I realized when you, when and I got. Tully says about this as well, and you can. It's incredible how he's written about this, because the english language, our english language, doesn't support spiritual truth. You know, like we are in the now, that signifies separateness, right? So even when we talk about it, we are separating the, the the present moment, to then talk about it. You know, I mean, I'm doing my best here, but you know what I mean, like the fact is, is that our english language is something that we have created from our humanness to communicate and talk and and connect as humans. But it doesn't support the, the spiritual oneness of life. But it's okay, because we need this, the english language, to communicate, to be humans and connect, because humans, we're here to connect, right.

Speaker 1:

So again, it comes back to like self-love doesn't exist. It doesn't because when we are all acceptance in now, we, you know, we are part of that. Now, we are part of that present moment and and, uh, yeah, like we don't need to love on ourselves because we're not separate from now, right, anyway, this was a few years ago. I had this, this awareness, and then I went into, like this, this thing of well, I'm not going because I was, you know, talking about self-love and I had this realization of I can't talk about self-love, self-love, self-love doesn. I had this realization of I can't talk about self-love, self-love doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, I can't talk about this. My spiritual ego came in massively, massively, and I was, you know, and then I kind of like lost my way a bit, because this is what I'm here for, that Leo-ness energy. This is why it took me years to embrace and own that leo energy.

Speaker 1:

I have leo as sun and and double scorpio in my chart. I have so much water in my chart combined with fire. So you will see this in me, as you get to know me on this podcast, is this fire, this light, this sun, this energy of radiance. And you know, I want to illuminate the beauty of life and the beauty that is within you. But I also have this double Scorpio energy that I have Scorpio rising, scorpio moon. So the depths right, the, the honest truth of our emotional depth is going to be shared on this podcast and I hope you're feeling this with me and this the Scorpio like I can come across with people that when they first meet me of she's quite not you know, you don't, I don't feel like you might, you might not feel that that Leo warm energy when you first meet me.

Speaker 1:

Like I have this face that looks like I'm annoyed about something or upset about something. I get a lot. Are you okay? Are you enjoying yourself? I'm like, yeah, I'm loving life, I'm enjoying myself. I get that a lot because I think that Scorpio rising in me can come across as this kind of hard, hard-faced, intimidating nature within me. But come say hi. I'm really warm and loving, like a loving bear really. So come say hi to me anyway, I love that.

Speaker 1:

But, um, yeah, it took me ages to to really own that Leo energy within me. And and yeah, like I said, own my story and and own that and and embrace, like with that Leo energy, like it's the sun, like illuminate, illuminate the all of life, like the beauty of life, the gifts, the challenges, the all, the, the, the grief, the sadness, shine a light on it, help us to embrace all of it, accept all of it, and then that Scorpio comes in of, like you know, if you like, I will also. I can also have that ability to burn right and I'm really aware of this, like you know becoming not crossing boundaries, like I've definitely crossed boundaries with my energy before and how penetrating it can be. I'm a 5-1 spin it projector as well, so like double projector going on, really like I have a very penetrating energy, but in that, lots of people project onto me as well, which is that's my responsibility to. I'm learning. This is something I'm learning right now as I'm sharing my truth more on podcast and showing up on social media in in the way that I am like really learning to protect my energy and and uh and yeah, protect that and and own what's mine and give back the rest, right, like learning about energetic boundaries and embodying that in my everyday life.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, and last point here I want to say about this, about fully owning it and owning your story, owning all of who you are, owning your challenges, owning your lessons. You know, embracing all the emotions is own it within that, own your sexuality, right? Oh, this is why we are. You know, we are going to talk about sensual embodiment, sexual empowerment on this podcast, because how can we talk about full acceptance, love and acceptance, you know, without sharing, without talking about our sexuality? We are sexual beings. We are sexual beings. It's where we came from, we all came from sex and it's completely natural. It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know, but yet we have this deep shame in it, like I, of course I have. You know, I've been working with my own shame around my sexuality. I feel like, and that I feel like that's part of my bigger soul mission as well.

Speaker 1:

Here is is sexual education is contributing to, contributing to transforming our sexual education into sacred sexual education and, you know, and seeing it as a sexuality, spirituality, it's, it's divine, like we are divine sexual beings, and it's, it's beautiful, it's, it's, you know, letting go of the shame, going through that feeling through the shame, right, feeling through the shame, then we naturally let go of it. That's what I've experienced. That's why I love tantra as well, because tantra includes our sexuality, you know, like all the other spiritual paths, you know, not not so not to say that tantra is better than everything, but it does include our sexuality. And on the other side of the coin of that, it can also get misinterpreted and people can think that tantra is all about sexuality and it's all you know, and it's all about sex and having orgies, and you know, and it's really not like. That's one side, that's one part of tantra, but there's different areas of tantra, and this is when I'm going to bring in guests, bring in, you know, people who work in this field more in depth to share on this, to share their expertise in in this, in tantra, and whilst continuing my path and whilst honestly sharing with you as a listener, as a friend, like as you know, I see this podcast, as you know, as friends, two friends sitting down and having a chat, an intimate chat, like. If you want some honest truth and you know intimacy, you've come to the right podcast. Like this is what dear love is about, is is is love and acceptance, honesty, truth and being here for all of it. So, you know, acceptance and love and acceptance.

Speaker 1:

I do believe if our sexual I think the root is education and if we were taught about, you know, love and acceptance of all of us, including our sexuality and including our sex education, in that the, the rate of sexual assaults will go down. You know the rate of, yeah, all the sexual assaults we have like it's, so it deepens's, saddens me, it's. It's why I'm here. It's why I'm here to do this like, be, contribute to this mission of transforming our sex education and and owning our story and and like owning our, our traumas we have around sexual education. Because I feel like, even if we had this, you know, amazing, even if we had, like parents who were really sex positive parents and you know there was like buckets of condoms around the house or something or you know, and they we had like these really open, positive conversations about sex when we were growing up as a teenager and things as well, I feel like even then it's, you know, there's no escaping societal messaging, conditioning, the lack of sex education we got at school, you know. So there's a lot to this episode, isn't there? It's probably like three episodes in one that I've done here, but hey ho, we're just going to run with it. Um, yeah, so let's just sum it up there, because I do want to keep this a bit shorter. Yeah, a lot shorter than the previous episode.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, come coming back to owning your story, how can you own your story today? What are you like not accepting about? About that, what resistance do you feel in your body around owning your story? And you know, journal on that. Like, what am I resistance to in owning my story? Because I tell you from experience, it's the most empowering thing that I've done. And then we, you know, and then we can truly step into our gifts, shine our light, serve from our higher self.

Speaker 1:

All right, and coming back to bliss, I really, really appreciate if you can give anything to to bliss. Click on the link in the show notes and also be on my instagram. I really appreciate a yeah, any, any donation to support the premature sick babies, the families, and to to you know, to remember that gift of life you know like, help them and and honor their small life that they, that they have and support those parents. Can you imagine I can only imagine what that'd be like as a parent? And yeah, and own it. Own it, including your humanness in all of this, including your sexuality, and own your story. Own all of who you are. You are an incredible gift to this world. Always remember that you are a miracle we all are. Thank you for listening. Thank you so much for listening in. If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend or post it on social media and tag me so I can personally thank you for helping to get the message out. I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. Talk to you soon.